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11 years ago
friends or foes
i choose friends
of those of those
friends or foes and
as legend goes
we are foes of some
of those
friends and foes
some are hoes
but the friends of those'
have lives like loaves
so what would you choose
friends or foes or
friends of those
friends or foes
11 years ago
true friends are there when youfall
people who say they are your friend but trun aroud and satbleyou in the back are not friends
true friends care about you
people who say there are your friends the don't because they are not friends
so if your one of those people who say there are friend think about if it was you that thougt your a friend
11 years ago
11 years ago


11 years ago

11 years ago
Hy gud morning.
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago

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11 years ago
good night dear..

11 years ago
Let's stay friends
For the love never lasts
I've learned from the past
Because it always ends
Let's stay friends
For the true friends
Never leave each other hands
So let's stay friends
For the real friendships are more precious then
The odd stories of love
So let's stay friends
For friends somehow become lovers
But never forget that
Lovers never become friends
So let's stay friends
11 years ago
A friend is a
wonderful blessing a treasure from
a friend brings
a special joy
no words can
describe the
warm memories
the pride and
gratitude too
that comes from having a friend
to love and to
it hard to lose
we love
to lose friendship, company
to lose joy, happiness
it hard to lose
a friend
best friend, family
to lose their smile,
acting funny, laughing to one another
long ago
i dicovered friends will come
and friends will go
sometimes i
even wonder
why god gave us
but i know
i will not lose
the love of
11 years ago
good night dear..

11 years ago
11 years ago

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11 years ago

great week
11 years ago
True friends are like diamonds, special but rare
False friends are like autumn leaves found everywhere
True friends are always there tohelp you out
False Friends will put you in trouble without a doubt
True friend are real they will tellyou how it is
False friends are gone as fast as you money is
All around me I have true friends,
No false ones to keep me down
Tell me do you have true friends
11 years ago
I miss my friend who always have been with me
I miss my friend who always cared for me
I miss my friend who always understood my silence
I miss my friend who always wished to see me happy
I miss my friend what suddenly have changed you?
I miss everything that reminds me of you
We were friends forever
But now apart for ever…
I miss you my friend…
11 years ago

11 years ago
I have a friend who cannot walk
I have a friend all he does is talk
I have a friend, Philippe is his name
I have a friend and we are just the same
I have a friend he’s seventeen years old
I have a friend who has a heart of gold
I have a friend who would catchme if I fall
It is only that he has no legs at all
I have a friend and when my friend was seven
A car ran over him and he almost went to heaven
I have a friend with a smile thatI adore
I have a friend who lives in a house of four
I have a friend his family is his home
I have a friend who dreams of visiting Rome
I have a friend who is still finishing school
Yet some people tell him that for that he is a fool
I have a friend they say he is disabled
He has no legs and for that he is labeled
I have a friend who has a friend
They were made for each other;their love will never end
I have a friend who likes to name the stars
I have a friend and what he hates is cars
I have a friend who’s happier than you and me
I have a friend who’s shown mehow happy I can be
I have a friend who’s had his bad times too
I have a friend who’s better than me and you
I have a friend so dear to me and kind
That another one like him I shallnever find!
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