Last login: 12 years ago
Skinner since: 12 years ago
Gender: Female
Age: 36
Anonymous Identity
My latest feeling
:G0odm0rninG.. Guys! Im n0t always online here in mY 0S ACcoUt. Bt u cAn find me always @ my facebook acCOut. add me if u want .. just type Kyuchi Hama .. Like and c0mment thanks! SeE u there .. - (12 years ago) Comment (2)
Don't worry about hard times, because most of the beautiful things we have in life come from changes and mistakes. Change and mistakes are two aspects of life that help us to become better people. Change is the transition from something old into something new, We have to maintain new changes in our lives on a regular basis in order to grow and reach our potential. Mistakes are another part of life that are vital to our success. Without making mistakes we won't realize what choices to make later on in life, and if we don't learn from our mistakes we will easily commit the same ones later in life, over and over again until we learn from them. So... keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly... Don't resist change, and don't be afraid to make a mistake Though they may seem difficult face changes and learn from mistakes!
Everybody makes mistakes.But only a few wise people learn from them. May we learn from all our mistakes from passed 2012...
BECAUSE.............. they are the priceless creation by GOD dëdïċätëd tö äll ġïrls änd böÿs whö shärë thë lövë änd frïëndshïp n os…!! ZZZZZzzzzzzz ╰♡╮☆╰❤╮╰❤╮☆╰♡╮
╰♡╮=╰★╮====╰★╮=╰♡╮ Laugh as much as you breath and love as much as you live. One of the most effective antidotes to the stresses of life is laughing a good laugh, and loving as much as we can while we live. When we hear laughter, we associate whatever situation we are in, with happiness, at least usually. When we just let go of our fears, and allow ourselves to be happy, even in the worst of times, it can change the playing field quickly. Choosing to love as much as we live is like the second of the 1-2 punches when you are trying to defeat whatever despair lies ahead of you. if we just devote ourselves to keeping a loving, and positive attitude while at all possible, we will easily be able to conquer life as we know it. Make an effort today to keep love in your heart, no matter what hate is thrown in your path, and to keep laughing, even when the world tries its hardest to steal your smile... ">" border="0"/> SmiLinG nYt wiT LovE. ">" border="0"/> ╰♡╮=╰★╮====╰★╮=╰♡╮